
Aspirateur Robot Laveur DREAME L10 Ultra

Robot Aspirateur Dreame L10 Ultra Nettoyeur Serpillère avec Vidange Automatique, Auto-Nettoyage de la Serpillère, Navigation LDS, Succion 5300 Pa, Cartographie 3D, et Application de Contrôle

  • 【Mettez le nettoyage en pilote automatique】Grâce au système de vidange avancé DualBoost 2.0, nettoyage et séchage automatique de la serpillère, et à l’ajout automatique d’eau, Dreame L10 Ultra aspirateur robot vous permet de réaliser un nettoyage mains libres afin que vous rentriez pour trouver des sols propres.
  • 【60 jours de nettoyage mains libres】L10 Ultra robot aspirateur système exclusif de vidange DualBoost pousse l’air dans le compartiment à poussière du robot, et l’aspire par une valve séparée pour éviter l’encrassement et déverser les cheveux, la saleté et la poussière dans un grand sac 3L.
  • 【La serpillère est lavée et séchée】Lorsque la serpillère se salit, L10 Ultra retourne automatique à sa base, pour la frotter contre les crampons du support de la base. Une fois le nettoyage terminé, il nettoie la serpillère et la sèche pour qu’elle soit prête à être utilisée.
  • 【Aspiration puissante pour nettoyer en profondeur】Avec une succion puissante 5300 Pa, L10 Ultra robot aspirateur laveur élimine la saleté de votre maison. La serpillère est levée de 7mm lorsqu’il rencontre des tapis ou moquettes, et booste la succion pour les maintenir secs et les nettoyer.
  • 【Navigation LiDAR et contrôlé détaillé】Grâce à une navigation LiDAR améliorée et un algorithme SLAM avancé, L10 Ultra génère rapidement une carte 3D modifiable, et planifie l’itinéraire de nettoyage le plus efficace pour nettoyer en profondeur et se déplacer dans votre maison.

Vidange jusqu’à 60 jours.
DualBoost 2.0 vide les cheveux et la saleté dans un grand sac 3L pour simplifier votre nettoyage. Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c’est jeter le sac.

*60 jours: Selon tests en laboratoire Dreame.

Déctection ultrasonique des tapis.
Les tapis sont nettoyés en profondeur et maintenus secs grâce à la technologie de reconnaissance avancée de L10 Ultra qui évite les tapis pendant le serpillage et soulève la serpillère de 7mm, et booste l’aspiration.

Brosse caoutchouc anti emmêlement.
Une brosse caoutchouc secoue la saleté, la poussière et les débris qui reposent dans les tapis et moquettes, et évite les bourres de cheveux.

Serpille. Frotte. Nettoie.
2 serpillères rotatives grande vitesse gèrent la saleté. Serpille les éclaboussures, frotte les tâches pour un nettoyage des sols durs impressionnant.

Serpillage continu.
L10 Ultra retourne seul à la base pour se recharger en eau. Le réservoir d’eau propre 2,5L fournit assez d’eau pour serpiller l’ensemble de la maison.

Application dédiée.
Prenez le contrôle avec l’application Dreamehome. Gérez les pièces, choisissez la succion, gérez votre eau et le serpillage, et bien plus.

Le Tableau de Comparaison entre  Dreame L10 Ultra et Dreame L10s Ultra


  • Marque: ‎Dreame
  • Modèle: L10 Ultra
  • Aspiration: 5300Pa
  • Couleur: ‎Blanc
  • Capacité: ‎3 Litres
  • Puissance: ‎55 Watts
  • Voltage: ‎220 Volts
  • Fonction arrêt automatique: ‎Oui
  • Niveau sonore: ‎59 dB
  • Autonomie: 2 heures et 30 minutes
  • Compatibilité du produit: ‎Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, Google Home, Tablette, Smartphone
  • Caractéristiques: Balayage et balayage
  • Dimensions du produit (L x l x h): ‎50*41*64.5 cm
  • Poids de l’article: ‎17,5 Kilograms

50€ à cagnotter pour les membres Cdiscount à Volonté Dreame L10s Ultra Robot Aspirateur Laveur avec Base Autonettoyante (Vidange Poussière, Nettoyage Automatique) AI Détection d’obstacles 3D, 5300Pa, Tapis Poils d’animaux, Batterie 210m, WiFi/APP/Alexa

Tableau de caractéristiques du produit
Caractéristique Description
Informations générales sur le produit
Nom du produit Aspirateur Robot Dreame L10 Ultra 5300 Pa Blanc
Référence RLS6LADC-6
Informations sur le produit
Sous-état Neuf
Indice de réparabilité 7,7
Notes Aspirateur robot
Objet connecté Oui
Couleur(s) Blanc
Autres caractéristiques Station de vidange et nettoyage de la serpillière automatique Hauteur max à franchir : 2 cm
Type de produit Aspirateur robot
Collecte des poussières Sans sac
Capacité du collecteur 300ml
Mode de nettoyage Sec, humide
Puissance maximum du moteur ‎55 W
Puissance d’aspiration maximale 5300Pa
Aspiration 5300Pa
Fonctions spéciales Spotless Cleaning, Wet/Dry, High Precision Sensors, Navigation AI 3D
Type de filtre Filtre HEPA lavable
Couleur Blanc
Type de nettoyant Robot
Capacité du réservoir 250 ml
Livré avec Inclus dans l’emballage : robot avec station de charge autonettoyante x1, brosse latérale x1, outil de nettoyage x1, cordon d’alimentation x1, sac à poussière x2, vadrouilles avec supports x2, nettoyant multi-surfaces x1, manuel d’utilisation x1.
Puissance d’aspiration maximum (air watts) 5300 Pa
Type de sac Sans Sac
Type d’aspirateur Usage général
Capacité du réservoir de solution 350 ml
Zone d’opération 250 m²
Navigation sur la salle Oui
Collecte de poussière sur sols durs Oui
Capacité d’eau pure 80 ml
Fourni avec Station de vidange
Type de sol compatible Tous types de sols
Tapis, sol dur
Sans fil Oui
Volume utile total Bac à poussière : 350 ml
Contrôle APP ou Amazon Alexa
Niveau sonore maximum ‎59 dB
Autonomie en cas de coupure 150 min
Niveau de bruit 59 dB
Réglages, commandes et voyants
Commandes Contrôle complet via APP ou Amazon Alexa
Alimentation Base de chargement
Type d’alimentation Batterie
Longueur du cordon Sans fil
Autonomie de fonctionnnement 150 min
Batterie Lithium Ion
Temps de chargement complet 360 min
Tension de la batterie 14.4 V
Type de prise EU PLUG
Capacité de la batterie 5200 mAh
Autonomie 150 min
Outils inclus 1 x robot aspirateur et laveur
robot avec station de charge autonettoyante x1, brosse latérale x1, outil de nettoyage x1, cordon d’alimentation x1, sac à poussière x2, vadrouilles avec supports x2, nettoyant multi-surfaces x1, manuel d’utilisation x1
Niveau sonore maximum ‎59 dB
Dimensions et poids
Largeur Robot : 350 mm Station de vidange : 423 mm
Profondeur Robot : 350 mm Station de vidange : 340 mm
Hauteur Robot : 96,8 mm Station de vidange : 568 mm
Poids 13,3 kg
Informations sur les dimensions Robot : 350 x 350 x 96,8 mm Station de vidange : 423 x 340 x 568 mm
Dimensions et poids (emballé)
Poids (Expédition) 18,6 kg
Garantie du fabricant
Détails de garantie 2 ans avec enregistrement produit
Attributs de recherche
Nettoyage|Mode de nettoyage Nettoyage
Eau et poussières
Surfaces dures
Vos garanties incluses
Garantie (²) 2 ans
Observations Dans le cas où une garantie commerciale est proposée par le vendeur, celle-ci ne fait pas obstacle à
Avis (93)
Les cotes


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Avis Clients (93)

  1. Jany

    Everybody skips this, but it’s actually a good item, I’ll remove 1 star for the customer support

  2. Brennon

    The first time I got the urges to leave a comment, but this is simply a top-notch thing you can find.

  3. Roslyn

    I like this item and also the customer service of them.

  4. Katelynn

    Great item. Easy to use and really clean. Worked perfectly!

  5. Eldon

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  6. Jaren

    Good response from the support.

  7. Arnoldo

    An awesome product with great flexibility. The customer support is superb. I recommend this without any doubt.

  8. Alfreda

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  9. Danyka

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  10. Jacey

    4 stars for the product, work as described, but not as expected.

  11. Dedrick

    It’s far better than those similar products, while the price is still acceptable.

  12. Alva

    Not the best thing, but worth the money

  13. Lindsey

    The item and the design are very cool. Also the support is amazing, they always help you with any detail that you have.

  14. Jarod

    Hope to see your improvement over time

  15. Breana

    Think everyone should know about this, it’s just beyond my expectations

  16. Andres

    A promising product, worth trying

  17. Chandler

    It’s far better than those similar products, while the price is still acceptable.

  18. Ralph

    Quite easy to use, nice design, surely will buy again

  19. Rafael

    Great item! It provides too many things compared to its price charged.

  20. Jayson

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  21. Jannie

    Everybody skips this, but it’s actually a good item, I’ll remove 1 star for the customer support

  22. Stan

    By far the best item on the market, you will not be disappointed.

  23. Keenan

    This is the best support for a product I had so far, they reply quickly and solve themselves the problems most of the time. Kudos guyz

  24. Reginald

    The quality is average, focus too much on unnecessary things

  25. Lane

    A promising product, worth trying

  26. Deron

    I think this is amazing. Lots of features and customizable from every point of view. The few times I asked for help in support they were competent, fast and above all very patient. Really recommend

  27. Mervin

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  28. Rodrigo

    Very flexible and well designed.

  29. Corbin

    This is the coolest thing I’ve found on here! Will keep using your products in the future!

  30. Sidney

    I rarely leave a comment, but this item is beyond worth it! Gotta let you guys know!

  31. Catherine

    I got excellent support for this item. They were patient with me, and helped me solve my issue. I recommend this company 100%

  32. Domenic

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  33. Katarina

    I’m caught 🙂 Find my love and will never buy in any other shop.

  34. Myrtle

    Just love the design and the customer support is the nicest.

  35. Maya

    I rarely leave a comment, but this item is beyond worth it! Gotta let you guys know!

  36. Candice

    The first time I got the urges to leave a comment, but this is simply a top-notch thing you can find.

  37. Marquis

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  38. Yazmin

    Good response from the support.

  39. Jamil

    Good response from the support.

  40. Javier

    An awesome product with great flexibility. The customer support is superb. I recommend this without any doubt.

  41. Greyson

    Just love the design and the customer support is the nicest.

  42. Sammie

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  43. Emilio

    Quite easy to use, nice design, surely will buy again

  44. Kieran

    Very flexible and well designed.

  45. Xzavier

    Think everyone should know about this, it’s just beyond my expectations

  46. Wilmer

    The quality is average, focus too much on unnecessary things

  47. Vernie

    I wish there were more customization possible. The support is okay.

  48. Camren

    Hope to see your improvement over time

  49. Gerardo

    If you take a look closely, there’re quite some issues.

  50. Reilly

    I wish there were more customization possible. The support is okay.

  51. Angela

    The first time I got the urges to leave a comment, but this is simply a top-notch thing you can find.

  52. Ubaldo

    Quite easy to use, nice design, surely will buy again

  53. Kieran

    I’m caught 🙂 Find my love and will never buy in any other shop.

  54. Shanon

    It’s far better than those similar products, while the price is still acceptable.

  55. Junius

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  56. Piper

    If you take a look closely, there’re quite some issues.

  57. Maci

    Been using it for a while, I usually don’t write a review but this time I am truly convinced to write.

  58. Rosie

    This is the best support for a product I had so far, they reply quickly and solve themselves the problems most of the time. Kudos guyz

  59. Hailey

    Just love the design and the customer support is the nicest.

  60. Royal

    Not the best thing, but worth the money

  61. Damian

    Very flexible and well designed.

  62. Flavie

    I’m caught 🙂 Find my love and will never buy in any other shop.

  63. Velma

    I got excellent support for this item. They were patient with me, and helped me solve my issue. I recommend this company 100%

  64. Kristy

    I want to say thanks to the support team for helping with my continuously silly questions, you’re the best!

  65. Veronica

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  66. Elyse

    Just love the design and the customer support is the nicest.

  67. Kellie

    I got excellent support for this item. They were patient with me, and helped me solve my issue. I recommend this company 100%

  68. Montana

    I got excellent support for this item. They were patient with me, and helped me solve my issue. I recommend this company 100%

  69. Haylee

    Great item! It provides too many things compared to its price charged.

  70. Beatrice

    The item and the design are very cool. Also the support is amazing, they always help you with any detail that you have.

  71. Constantin

    Thank you guys for this amazing creation! Absolutely mind-blowing!

  72. Walker

    I got excellent support for this item. They were patient with me, and helped me solve my issue. I recommend this company 100%

  73. Torrance

    Thank you guys for this amazing creation! Absolutely mind-blowing!

  74. Elisa

    Very flexible and well designed.

  75. Joesph

    Just love the design and the customer support is the nicest.

  76. Hellen

    I received a personalized and attentive treatment. Thanks to this deal, I was able to find a solution to my problem in a short time. 🙂

  77. Carole

    Sadly, the item was broken, but they offer me a refund so I’ll give a 3-star rating for the support

  78. Annetta

    The first time I got the urges to leave a comment, but this is simply a top-notch thing you can find.

  79. Lauriane

    Been using it for a while, I usually don’t write a review but this time I am truly convinced to write.

  80. Electa

    I’m caught 🙂 Find my love and will never buy in any other shop.

  81. Jacklyn

    I rarely leave a comment, but this item is beyond worth it! Gotta let you guys know!

  82. Hobart

    I wish there were more customization possible. The support is okay.

  83. Rudy

    Hope to see your improvement over time

  84. Tomas

    Got some issues, but it works for me.

  85. Jaron

    It’s far better than those similar products, while the price is still acceptable.

  86. Emilie

    Think everyone should know about this, it’s just beyond my expectations

  87. David

    I think this is amazing. Lots of features and customizable from every point of view. The few times I asked for help in support they were competent, fast and above all very patient. Really recommend

  88. Verlie

    I want to say thanks to the support team for helping with my continuously silly questions, you’re the best!

  89. Veronica

    This is the coolest thing I’ve found on here! Will keep using your products in the future!

  90. Jimmie

    Easy to handle

  91. Isom

    An awesome product with great flexibility. The customer support is superb. I recommend this without any doubt.

  92. Amely

    Great item! It provides too many things compared to its price charged.

  93. Enos

    The first time I got the urges to leave a comment, but this is simply a top-notch thing you can find.